Rusty Softboard 419 Fish

The 419 Fish is Rusty's high performance update for a classic fish and completes the quatro of the flat deck angular rails family. 

As a Softtop, this board is about as fun as it gets! A wider nose area and the added floatation of the performance soft top construction gives the board amazing paddle power while maintaining the performance at the business end. Rail transitions on the 419 Fish are easier due to the flat deck. 

Overall, this board is great groveler for those small, lumpy days that can still handle considerable size and top to bottom movement when the waves turn on. 

EPS Foam core with epoxy lamination covered by IXPE soft foam on the top deck and HDPE smooth slick bottom. 

It's all about having fun

Wave Size

  • Small
  • Head
  • Double


  • Mushy
  • Steep
  • Barrels


  • Cruisy
  • Power
  • Vertical


  • Beginner
  • Confident
  • Progressive

Foot Position

  • Front
  • Middle
  • Back


  • Soft
  • Medium
  • Hard

Nose Shape

  • Pointy
  • Blended
  • Round

Tail Width

  • Slim
  • Medium
  • Large

Entry Rocker

  • Relaxed
  • Moderate
  • Aggressive

Exit Rocker

  • Relaxed
  • Moderate
  • Aggressive

Calculate your volume

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My height is :
My age is :
My fitness level is:
I ride:
I rate my skills:

Stock dimensions and volume

Length Width Thickness Volume
5'6" 20.5" 2.05" 30 L
6'0" 21.25" 2.2" 36 L